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Microsystem Engineering

Welcome to Department of Microsystems Engineering (DME)

As a new discipline, microsystems engineering has had a huge impact on the technologies that define modern-day life and society. DME at NPU emphasizes the development of microelectromechanical system (MEMS) technologies. MEMS market has grown into more than $ 14 billion per year. And it is believed the application of MEMS technologies will result in a revolution in some traditional industries such as auto, consumer electronics, biomedical devices, aerospace, environmental protection, etc. The market of the enhanced industries can reach $ 10 trillion per year.

Closely allied with Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Semiconductor Engineering, Optical Engineering, and Bio-medical engineering, DME at NPU offers students the opportunity for study and research, both theoretical and experimental, in a wide variety of subjects, including solid-state materials and devices, micro sensors such as pressure sensors and inertial sensors, micro instruments such as high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), flow cytometer and spectroscope.

Substantial experimental laboratory facilities, housed mainly in the MOE key Laboratory of Micro and Nano Systems for Aerospace.

DME, MOE Key Laboratory of Micro and Nano System for Aerospace

Microdevices for aeronautic applications

Graduate students working in clean room

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