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2016-03-22 14:28   审核人:



学术报告题目:Some extended Weibull distribution for the modelling bathtub shaped failure rate in reliability engineering

学术报告摘要:Exponential distribution is widely used in the modelling and analysis of time-between-events, particularly in reliability engineering. It is well-known that this distribution implies no-ageing which is not realistic. Weibull distribution can be used for increasing failure rate or decreasing failure rate. It is especially suitable for industrial applications because of its graphical interpretation and probability plotting procedure for both parameter estimation and model validation. However, the basic Weibull distribution with two parameters cannot be used for the well-known bathtub-shaped failure rate function. Several extended Weibull distributions have been developed and studied. In this talk, we will introduce some of our research works in this area. Some useful models will be presented and their properties and uses will be discussed. A few related research directions will also be highlighted.


M. Xie completed his undergraduate study and received MSc at Royal Inst of Technology in Sweden in 1984. He later received PhD from Linkoping University in 1987. Dr Xie joined the National Univ of Singapore in 1991 as one of the first recipients of the prestigious Lee Kuan Yew Research Fellowship. Prof Xie moved to City Univ of Hong Kong as Chair professor of industrial engineering in 2011. He was an invited professor to INPG, France, in 2000 and a William Mong Visiting Fellow to Univ of Hong Kong in 1997. Prof Xie has published over 250 SCI journal papers and 8 books, including “Software Reliability Modelling” by World Scientific, “Weibull Models” by John Wiley, “Stochastic Aging and Dependence for Reliability” by Springer, among others. He is an editor, associate editor and on the editorial board of many established international journals. Prof Xie was elected fellow of IEEE in 2005.


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