报告人:Jose Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez教授
报告题目:Resilience and Social Analytics
时间:2018年7月5日 上午10:00-12:00
In presentation I will discuss work being done at visdec.org at Stevens Institute of technology to advance the state of the art in the concept of systems resilience and its applicability to areas not traditionally considered. For example, applying the concept of resilience to text analytics, particularly topics in the news media, allowed us to create a framework that measures the impact that real life events have in social media. Our framework consists of three parts: i) proposing a mathematical model of resilience to relate events to their effects in general, ii) propose a text narrative model and estimation tools to understand how topics are dealt with in single articles and finally, iii) combining the resilience model with the narrative model and other network tools to create a new topic resilience model that can be used to measure not only the quantitative effects of real live events, but also the manner they spread in news media.
Dr. Jose Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez is Director of the Enterprise Science and Engineering Division and Associate Professor in the School of Systems & Enterprises at Stevens Institute of Technology. A former Fulbright Scholar, he holds degrees from Rutgers University in Industrial Engineering (Ph.D. and M.Sc.) and Statistics (M.Sc.) and from Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico in Actuarial Science. His research efforts focus on the development of mathematical models for the analysis and computation of system operational effectiveness; reliability and vulnerability analysis as the basis for designing system resilience. He also works at the intersection of evolutionary computation for the optimization of complex problems associated with system performance and design. In his most recent work, he has explored the interplay between data visualization and analytical decision making. In these areas, Dr. Ramirez-Marquez has conducted funded research for both private industry and government and, has published over 100 refereed manuscripts in technical journals, book chapters and industry reports. Dr. Ramirez-Marquez has presented his research findings nationally and internationally in conferences such as INFORMS, ISERC, INCOSE, CESUN and, ESREL. He has served as the President of the Quality Control and Reliability division board of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers. He is a member of the Technical Committee on System Reliability for the European Safety and Reliability Association and Associate Editor of the IISE Transactions. He can be contacted at jmarquez@stevens.edu